620 King Street West
Located at 620 King Street West, this property is in the highly sought-after King West neighbourhood, just west of the downtown core. The street is lined with handsome turn of the century brick industrial buildings, upscale restaurants, cafes, retail stores and design-oriented offices and studios.
The original plan drafted by ONE Development called for a building to be comprised of 14 luxury residential lofts rising above the facade of the existing historical industrial warehouse building including many innovative "green" design features, targeting a LEED Gold rating. The 50,000 sf building was to consist of a historical brick base of 2 stories, a third storey set back with a generous green terrace facing King Street and a modern tower of seven stories that seem to float over the original brick base.
However, upon the favourable ruling of a neighbouring re-zoning application, ONE Development changed directions to pursue more height and density. Assembling the property at 620 King Street West with six adjacent properties to the north, ONE Development aided in the design and re-zoning of the larger combined development site to accommodate 18 floors with approximately 400 units. The property was initially sold to Context Developments before being sold to Allied Properties REIT and RioCan REIT.
ONE Development design for the project featured luxury finishes with environmental sustainability built in to all aspects of the integrated design to provide a high level of comfort, health and energy savings. South and west facing windows with integral shading devices, suites would have cross-ventilation to provide cooling and air flow in summer months, in-floor radiant heating to provide superior comfort and efficiency, air exchangers to provide enhanced air quality, solar collectors to provide domestic hot water and low flow fixtures to provide water conservation.
Under the original design, typical units (two per floor) were 2,100 sf with direct elevator access and generous outdoor spaces. The two penthouse units were 4,000 sf over 3 floors with large roof top terraces and cantilevered glazed swimming pools. The revised plan called for more height and additional density, to satisfy the growing demand for condos in the area.